When you check-in to the hotel, you are asked if you own an iPhone. If you have one the Runtriz Hotel web application is loaded to the device. If you don't have an iPhone, a 16GB iPod Touch that already has the web application pre-loaded is given to you for the duration of your stay.
Once you’ve punched in your room number and security code, all of the hotel’s service offerings are but a tap away. Straight from the device’s screen, you can order room service, set a wake up call, request your luggage, dry cleaning, or car (or if you’re going all out, a limo), request linens or toiletries, check your messages, or set your room to “Do Not Disturb”. They also provide information about nearby nightlife, attractions, and shopping.
The cost of getting such a system up and running varies on a hotel-by-hotel basis. According to Matt Allard, president of Runtriz, the cost of the first month is generally about double that of the standard monthly fee of $10 per room.
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