Thursday, September 13, 2007

Apple iPod Touch Review: "Thing of beauty"

Here we go! The first review of the new Apple iPod Touch is out well before its Spetember 28th debut. This review is from PC Magazine giving the iPod Touch a 5 out of 5 rating.

The review says that with features like the multi-touch interface, Cover flow way of navigating tracks, Safari browser and the Wi-Fi based iTunes music store, the iPod touch is a "Thing of beauty".

Review Highlights:

  • It's much skinnier than the iPhone and it's also a bit shorter and a hair wider, with dimensions of 4.3 by 2.4 by 0.31

  • Navigation of the music, video, and photo menus is identical on the iPod touch and iPhone.

  • Possibly the best new feature is a subtle one: the double click. Pressing the only tactile button on the player twice makes music controls appear over whatever screen mode you happen to be in—Safari, YouTube, etc

  • The audio performance of the touch is excellent, as long as you chuck those lame earbuds and get a real pair

  • Once you have connected via WiFi, clicking on the lower right-hand tab on the homescreen, simply labeled iTunes, transports you to the WiFi store homescreen

  • You walk by (or into) a Starbucks location, and suddenly the logo appears as an icon on the iTune's WiFi store dock

  • The video experience on the touch is nearly identical to the iPhone experience, and the same can be said of viewing photos, with one difference. At full brightness the iPod touch looks a tad better, with deeper, darker color saturation.

  • Browsing the Internet is also a glorious experience. The "pinch and expand" motion for the multi-touch screen is more useful here than anywhere else on the player, as it quickly zooms in on the headline you want to read or photo you want to see in detail.

The bottomline: iPod Touch is probably the best portable media player ever made.

Read the full 3 page iPod Touch Review at PCMAG


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