Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dot.Tunes offers iTunes library streaming to iPod touch

If you are music crazy and you already have a huge collection on you PC or a laptop, then you must be frustrated with the 8 or 16 gig limit on your iPod Touch. You would be having trouble in figuring out which songs make the cut onto your iPod? Worry not because DOT.Tunes service will solve your problem.

Dot.Tunes empoweres you to share your iTunes music securely with friends, family and clients across the internet via any web browser. DOT.Tunes is a web service that publishes your entire iTunes library online. So every person who has your unique password could access this library from wherever there’s internet access. For only $20 you can purchase the DOT.iPod Touch plugin.

With this iPod Touch plug-in, a custom DOT.TUNES/Touch interface is displayed on your iPod Touch. You can view all of your movies and videos, listen to all of your music, it's like having your entire iTunes library in your pocket.

The iPod Touch Plug-in will make you remember why you bought your Touch in the first place.


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