Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Orange offers free iPod touch to business customers

Orange is offering UK customers who sign up for an 18-month business tariff a free 8GB iPod touch.

The network's move comes as O2 touts continued success attracting new customers with its own Apple device, the iPhone.

Customers who sign up in selected Orange shops to Orange Solo, Orange Venture or Orange Momentum business tariffs (starting from £35/month) this month will walk out with a new iPod touch (while stocks last).

“The work/life blur often means doing work in your free time. We want to redress the balance and encourage our customers to take time out of their working day for themselves and the iPod touch is a great me-time device with which to do that,” said Martin Lyne, director of small business, Orange UK.

This is the first time Orange has exclusively offered business customers a free give-away and follows the success of similar Orange offers to consumers.

Participating Orange shops are listed here.


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