Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Apple has winning (iPod) touch in festive sales this holiday season

"Apple, with its iPod touch, appears a clear winner this holiday season as US consumers shop for smaller, cheaper, more versatile electronics," Chris Nuttall and Richard Waters report for The Financial Times.

While the Consumer Electronics Association predicts flat fourth-quarter sales compared with a year ago, analysts report Apple stores have been the busiest among electronics retailers.

iPods, historically responsible for 40 to 50 per cent of Apple's fourth-quarter revenues, are selling in the biggest numbers.

Google has reported that after Nintendo's Wii games console and Wii Fit game, iPod touch has been its most searched for product, while the Lycos search engine has "iPod" as its top search.

Amazon's electronics has the 8GB iPod Touch as its most popular in its bestseller list with six iPods in its top 20. This list including all versions of the iPod Touch. The lowest prices for the Touch still being $230, Michael Gartenberg, vice-president of Mobile Strategy at Jupitermedia, says this is not putting off cash-strapped consumers.


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