Friday, January 9, 2009

SongGenie App fixes missing iTunes track information

SongGenie is the latest app from equinux that aims to make your iTunes library a little more organized and useful. If you are one of those who has a lot iTunes tracks, then you could be having many tracks with partial or no metadata applied to them. Meaning tracks whose track name isn’t filled in, the album information is missing, or the artist is unknown.
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SongGenie is your "genie" that can fix this problem. SongGenie automatically combs your archive for tracks with incomplete or missing descriptions. The first time you launch SongGenie, it starts scanning through your iTunes library, identifying songs that are either missing information or where the information included in the track doesn’t look right (for example, the name starts with a number) and collects all those tracks in a ‘Songs with missing information’ list.

You can then nagivate through this list and either have SongGenie identify each song individually or hav all of them identified together. SongGenie creates an acoustic fingerprint of every track. Using this particular fingerprint, it determines which track to work on and intuitively inserts the correct information in the user interface. But you can still first listen to the songs in iTunes before applying the suggested changes.

Equinux's SongGenie for iTunes costs $29.95 and requires Leopard (OS X 10.5).


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