Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Apple releases iTunes 8.2 with iPhone 3.0 support

Apple on Monday has released iTunes version 8.2. What is interesting about this release it that this iTunes version supports iPhone or iPod touch handhelds loaded with iPhone 3.0 Software Update. The iPhone OS version 3.0 is expected to release in the coming weeks. There is also the maintenance update for QuickTime 7.6 to go along with the iTunes.

iTunes 8.2 is available for download from Apple site or via Software Update. This new version of iTunes also includes several accessibility improvements and bug fixes, according to a brief set of release notes.

If you recall registered iPhone developers already have had access to iTunes 8.2 since late April when Apple released a new beta of iPhone Software 3.0 that was incompatible with the then current iTunes 8.1 release.


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