Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All Black Friday iPod Touch Deals

Here are some of the iPod Touch deals for this year's Black Friday. It's Gift cards galore from all the major retailers. Wal-Mart will be giving away a $50 iTunes Gift card if you purchase of 8GB iPod Touch for $195. Toys R US is giving away $50 gift card with purchase of any iPod Touch.

For the purchase of a 8Gb iPod Touch for $199.99 from Best Buy, you will get a $30 gift card. You will get a $20 gift card from RadioShack for the purchase of a 8GB iPod Touch for $199.99. From Target, you will get a 32GB iPod Touch with Free $30 Gift Card for $295.00.

Please leave a comment if you know any other deals. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!


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