Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Next generation iPod Touch with Camera??


A Vietnamese website called Tinhte has published pictures and video of what looks like a next generation iPod touch with camera. This is the same website that leaked the pictures of the fourth-generation iPhone. The iPod touch in the picture and the video looks like a prototype running on some kind of a hardware testing software. It has exactly the same physical dimensions and design as the second-generation and third-generation iPod touch. Read more....

Mac Rumors notes that the prototype does not appear to be a particularly new creation, as its serial number indicates that it was manufactured in June 2009. Also the "N18" codename found on a sticker on the back of the device indicated that the unit is indeed a third-generation iPod touch prototype, and not representative of an upcoming revision to the product. If you recall similar 2 iPod Touch prototypes with camera had showed up on ebay recently.

Check out some more pictures and a video:




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