Monday, March 2, 2009

Create Wishlists on iTunes store with BookmarkiTunes App

An independent developer has released BookmarkiTunes, a new utility that lets users create and organize a wishlist of items they want in the iTunes Store. This includes links to albums, iPhone apps, songs, TV series, artists, TV episodes, movies, and more!
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Users can drag-and-drop any link, including text and images, into the application to add that item to the list, or can also copy and paste in iTunes links.

BookmarkiTunes will do its best to give every item a name, but you are free to change any name. BookmarkiTunes will also save the category of each item you add (e.g., album or TV series). Plus, you can enter a description for each item! Many people use the description field to remember the artist of a given album or song, for example. (If you directly add an artist from iTunes, BookmarkiTunes will detect the artist’s name for you.)

Users can visit any item’s page at the iTunes store by clicking the iTunes link in that item’s row. Or by right-clicking the item and choosing the menu item for seeing it at iTunes.

By double-clicking or by right-clicking and choosing the menu item for edit you can edit any item. Users can also delete any item by right-clicking it and choosing the delete menu item. BookmarkiTunes is available now as a free download for Mac and Windows.


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