Monday, March 16, 2009

iPod Touch sets pants on fire; Apple sued

The mother of a kid living in Cincinnati, Ohio is suing Apple and 10 unnamed retail employees from the Apple Store in Kenwood over an iPod touch that allegedly exploded in the child's pocket.

The suit claims that the device was off when it made a popping noise and the boy noticed a burning sensation, only to stand up and discover his pants were on fire. The child was found to have second-degree burns from the incident.

“He continues to suffer from both physical and mental conditions which will cause him to suffer pain, mental distress, emotional distress, and otherwise for the rest of his life,” the lawsuit claims. Apple and its 10 employees are accused of gross negligence and recklessness; the suit is requesting compensatory damages totaling more than $75,000, as well as punitive damages of more than $75,000, and attorney fees.


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